Tyson Fury defeats Francis Ngannou by split decision
Boxing champion Tyson Fury faced former UFC heavyweight titleholder Francis Ngannou in a boxing match on Saturday in Saudi Arabia.
Heading into the bout, no one gave Ngannou much of a chance. Most people thought that if he won it would be by knockout.
Fury came out in the opening round with a big right hand, followed by another one. Ngannou closed the distance and the two clinched. Fury lands again and Ngannou missed with a combination. Fury lands a stiff jab and the bell sounds ending the frame. Ngannou sticks his tongue out at Fury.
Ngannou comes out aggressively in the second round. He lands and cuts Fury on the forehead. The two clinch and are separated. They clinch again and are separated again. The round ends.
Ngannou comes out aggressive in the third. He connects with a left hand. Ngannou drops Fury with a left hand. Fury rose to his feet after taking a deep breath. Ngannou continues to be aggressive as the round ends.
The clinch at the beginning of round four. Fury lands in the clinch before the refereee separated the two. They clinch again and Ngannou pushes Fury away. Ngannou connects with a left hand and they clinch again. Fury lands a couple of hard punches followed by a combination.
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Round five begins with Ngannou throwing a combination. It misses and the clinch. The referee separates the fighters. A lot of clinching this round. Fury misses with a big uppercut. He lands a jab and the round ends.
Fury has found his pace. Fury lands an elbow while throwing a punch. They exchange and Ngannou appears to be slowing down. Fury lands and the round ends.
As the seventh round gets going, both men seems to have slowed. Ngannou lands a right hand. Ngannou lands to the body. He lands a left hand. Fury works the clinch and falls to the canvas. It was a slip. The round ends.
They clinch at the start of the eighth. Fury lands a couple of hard punches. Fury returns. The two exchanged and Ngannou landed. Fury lands his jab and the round ends.
Ngannou lands a hard left hand to start the ninth round. Fury answers with a right hand and Ngannou counters it. The clinch and separate. Fury lands as Ngannou tried to close the distance.
Ngannou pulls back in a combination. Fury responds with a punch. Ngannou tried to land a superman punch. It misses. Lots of feinting from Fury. The round ends and the fight goes to the scorecards.
The judges score the fight for Fury by split decision. The scorecards read 94-95, 96-93, and 95-94.